Welcome everyone! This is Button...Button, a place where I talk about crafting and whatever other nonsense I can possibly come up with, I love to write and I love what I do from day to day, hopefully you can get some joy out of it too! If you have any questions please feel free to email me at asay.stephanie@gmail.com. Updates will be happening on the regular so please keep checking in!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Just Keep Sewing...

If you would have told me when I was younger that I would love to do what I love to do now there is no way I would ever believe you.  I never had the patience to learn how to work with yarn or to sit down and sew.  Now I live for the moments when I can sit down and continue working on my latest project. This Christmas was the hubby's (Kyle) and mine first Christmas together, I'm kind of hate a adore surprises so to avoid the anxiety of it all I decided I wanted a sewing machine.  Ky surprised me with this awesome vintage looking Singer that I love and man is that thing a beast! I'm pretty sure I could sew through 10 layered pieces of denim and my finger and that sucker would keep going.  I use the machine mostly to make booties when one day about a month ago I decided I wanted to make a quilt for our bed. I've made a few quilts before but this is by far the biggest. My mother, sister, nephew and I went quilt store/knitting store hopping and I found just what I was looking for.  The three main colors are a turquoise/aqua color and a vintage red and well as a great off-white color to compliment the whole thing.

ok so I was going to make some sassy comment about how
crappy my image was going to look because I took it
with my blackberry, but it doesn't look half bad,
take that!
I'm using a pattern from the book "Time Out For Quilts" which is an Atkinson Designs book, the exact name of the pattern is Brick and Stone.  The pattern itself looks a whole lot more complicated but when you break it down to squares it's super simple!
***Tip Time: I have a minor obsession with sticky notes and use them to follow along with any pattern I am using, this keeps me in track so I don't skip any steps.

Heads up, mistakes happen...I actually cut some of my material wrong and had to go back to the quilt store and buy more, hey it happens! Just make sure not to put off buying more material for too long especially if it's a specialty or seasonal material as it might not be there when you go. There is nothing worse than having to readjust your whole project because of some sort of procrastination.

When you are working with a pattern where you have to keep to colors in a certain order, make sure you remember that order! Once again you can use those stickies or just write it down somewhere.  The book  I am using actually has a spot where you can stick small scraps of your material in their appropriate numbered spots...GENIUS! 
So far I have 32 squares done and I'm working on the next step, I have a list of my goals on my idea line for March which I'm hoping to complete but we will see what happens :).  Goals are awesome to keep and help me out tons but keep in mind you can always adjust those goals, don't get discouraged!  I will keep you updated on this quilt as I keep a move on it.  I have this problem where I love just adding new projects when I already have like a bajilllion, that's right I added another one today but you will just have to wait and see what it is!!


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