Welcome everyone! This is Button...Button, a place where I talk about crafting and whatever other nonsense I can possibly come up with, I love to write and I love what I do from day to day, hopefully you can get some joy out of it too! If you have any questions please feel free to email me at asay.stephanie@gmail.com. Updates will be happening on the regular so please keep checking in!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Being Eaten by the Organization Monster

Hello my little bloggins...(yes that's right I have adopted an adorable little nickname for you all)

I have been a busy little bee today which has included applying lash extentions for three hours (which looked bomb diggity) and coming home to a messy little house that I keep procrastinating doing the deep cleaning it truely deserves.  I feel like with anything in my life I completely fall apart when it is not organized.  With school I need to retain all of my receipts as well as protocals, all the things I need for my appointments, books for theory, books on product, tracking sheets and so on. With my home sweet home I need to keep the dishes cleaned (seeing as we have no dishwasher), have the bills in order, pay the bills, do the laundry, sort the laundry and clean everything else.  Now with my personal craft business and just my crafting in general if my small space is not organized I have no way to function.  Does anyone else feel like this? Well here are some ideas that I use and really help me out, I've focused mainly on the crafting section but I might touch on some other things as well.

My adorable little desk was actually purchased from a thrift store and will one day get a fresh coat of paint to jazz it up a bit (i will let you know when that happens) p.s. I also hate the knobs on it so I really want to pick some new ones up from Anthropologie, you should really check out their home goods, so so cute. To the left I have a part of a filing cabinet also from a thrift store, inside of that is where I keep my really good felt that I use to make baby booties and fat quarters of material.  The top drawer of the desk contains pens, scissors, and sewing machine instructions, basically anything that I need to have right when i need to have it and I would rather not go looking for it.  In the other drawers I have bags of buttons, needles and thread and books for both sewing and knitting.  It's really a great idea to have a notepad or sticky notes handy, I have the greatest pack of ellie pooh paper (paper made from actual elephant pooh) it works awesome for writing small notes for what I need to do or where I might be in my current craft.

I have a small antique card table that I use for cutting material and for putting stuff on in general, my crafting room is actually in our guest room so behing the table is our guest bed that is also good for placing things on.  A few random things that I do and have that really help are the large aluminum bucket I have to put all my balls of yarn in, I also have a large tote that I use to carry my knitting gear and make it mobile.  I also have a nike shoe box where I keep my material scraps just in case I could use them for later maybe to make another quilt or something.  I think the best thing I have though is the small whicker basket I have given the snazzy name of "the project bin".  This is where I keep my knitting projects, maybe ones I have taken a break on or even ones that I am planning on doing along with the color of yarn I'm going to do them in.

Another little something I have is my idea line, I've heard all sorts of variations of this idea and they all are great, I decided to use the yarn and clothespins because it fits my style and it's what I have on hand.  On here I keep the orders that I need to fill, my monthly project goals and new project ideas, as well as a cute little picture of my hubby because, well he funds this whole operation with a smile.  Any sort of organization helps to clear my mind and get down to business so I'm not thinking the entire time that I need to clean something.  Keeping a neat little craft corner is step one in taming that beast!

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