Welcome everyone! This is Button...Button, a place where I talk about crafting and whatever other nonsense I can possibly come up with, I love to write and I love what I do from day to day, hopefully you can get some joy out of it too! If you have any questions please feel free to email me at asay.stephanie@gmail.com. Updates will be happening on the regular so please keep checking in!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Getting Started...

Bloggy, Mcbloggerson.. Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Stephanie and I'm a twenty something, happily married, fulltime student, painting, sewing, knitting junky who highly enjoys indie music that makes no sense, traveling, anything older that 30 years and skin...woah woah don't judge creeper I'm going to school to be an aesthetician. 
So why the blog you ask? 
Well I do go to school for fourty hours a week Tuesday thru Saturday and often get home with a small amount of time to spend with my boy, do the laundry, take a little nappy, study for tests, and do the things that are keeping me sane like knitting, and anything crafty you can fill in the blank with. I guess I thought to myself this past week while in a business class for school there has to be more like me out there, those who secretly wish their crafting hobbies will miraculously start paying the bills or even just start paying for themselves.
So here goes nothing, maybe someone will just happen upon the blog of a silly little girl and get a kick out of it or maybe we can actually relate to eachother and give eachother inspiration, who knows where this will go but for right now I'm digging it...and I'm all about rolling with the punches as of late.

Here's the dealeoo, I'm super stoked about my latest project I completed and I thought it should be shared with the faceless intenet public, and hey why not kick this off on a positive note? I've been working on this jacket for a couple months now, given motivation and lack of yarn to finish, today was the day that I loaded up the Netflix and actually finished the sucker.  Here's the specs, I used Berroco Vintage yarn in a rusty red color, if you would like to know the color for sure I can definately look it up. The pattern came from the book "Easy Baby Knits" by Claire Montgomerie (which I absolutely adore btw). The size I made was for a 1-2 year old because I wanted the little kiddo to be walking so the entire jacket can be shown off while they are walking around.  I also decided to do it in a somewhat gender nutural color so that it can be for a boy or a girl (what can I say I'm a planner).
The pattern for this jacket is super simple but looks
so detailed I just adore it!

I love little details and especially texture for
things for babies, it really works well for
their hand eye coordination.
I really loved doing this jacket and have plans to make a few more just for friends and such because it is such a keepsake jacket. 

I would really love to know what you think about this blog, anything you want to know or even want me to write about or review I would love to. I'm really looking forward to just writing about the things i love and in the next couple of posts I will be talking about the quilt I am working on as well as being the proud owner of a cute little crafting room and how I organize and keep the clutter from making me go insane.  I might even pull some random posts about skin care and makeup as well as traveling, gardening and well pretty much anything that comes to mind!
I actually cut the buttons from one of my
 own jackets, sometimes I can't find the
exact buttons I'm looking forso I learn
 to compromise.

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