Welcome everyone! This is Button...Button, a place where I talk about crafting and whatever other nonsense I can possibly come up with, I love to write and I love what I do from day to day, hopefully you can get some joy out of it too! If you have any questions please feel free to email me at asay.stephanie@gmail.com. Updates will be happening on the regular so please keep checking in!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mommy's Little Monster

I think the best part about starting a project is finishing it.  I love everything about creating stuff but sometimes if I have a project that is a little too overwhelming I tend to get bored and maybe not even finish it! If you ever get this way with what you are doing don't feel bad to just set the project aside for a couple of weeks, move onto something else totally different, then when you start your first project up again it's like it is brand spanking new, WAHLAH!
Can I even tell you how excited I am about this post? About two posts ago I showed you the little baby monster blanket I was working on, well...it's Done!!!

Kyle and I went down to Price this last weekend, while we were there Kyle worked on his dirtbike carrying truck and my mom helped me with this quilt.  I will be totally honest with you, I'm not the greatest sewer in the world and any help I can get I will take because I want to get better at it.  I started with 1 1/4 yard of an olive green plain cotton fabric and for the back the same amount of an off-white fabric with brown polka dots. The felt I use is super soft and is 100% wool, it comes in great colors and is really thin so cutting and sewing through it is really easy.I cut out the felt freehand and place it first to see where I want everything to go then the sewing begins.
I had all of the front panel done before we went down so when I got there all we needed to do was sew it together, I put a really thin quilt batting in the middle so it's more of a lightweight quilt. Using spray quiliting glue we glued the back fabric piece to the batting then placed the front piece in a way that we would sew it like a pillow case. After being poked by several needles and ma hearing my whine about it I sewed it together leaving a section to pull it through. I flipped it the right way then sewed the hole up and made sure to iron it so everything was in the right place.  Here are some pictures...
I think my favorite part of this project what adding the little details on after everything was sewn together, for the face of the little monster I did something really simple, as well as with the legs...

To make sure everything stayed in place I had to sew through all the layers something that looke good with the monster but was still simple.  I did larger stitches around the edge about an inch for the outer edge, then I went through and added odd little X's that seemed to fit perfect.
I'm so happy with the finished product and I hope you like it too! If you are maybe interested in ordering one that looks like this or something else that I might have building up in my nogging please take a look at the ladybug&babybird blog (link located in the top right corner) for the pricing and anything else you might need to know about it!\

Remember to like Button Button on Facebook for special offers and new info and all that jazz. As always thanks for reading! If you have any questions you can friend me on facebook or you can email me at asay.stephanie@gmail.com


1 comment:

  1. So Darling. Steph I love your BLOG. You need to do link ups to other blogs.
